Clown Killifish (Epiplatys annulatus)
The Clown Killifish, also known as Banded Panchax and Rocket Killifish, is an attractive, small freshwater fish with striking colors and patterns. They are characterized by their slender body, bright orange tail with contrasting black stripes, and iridescent blue body.
Reaching just about 1.4 inches in size, these peaceful and somewhat shy fish are perfect for nano tanks and small community aquariums. The Clown Killifish is peaceful towards other species but is not an ideal community fish due to its small size and specific needs. Suitable tankmates include small tetras, dwarf gouramis, minnows, and other peaceful, similarly-sized species that thrive in similar conditions. It's best to keep at least 8-10 Clown Killifish, as they are somewhat social, will be less timid, and exhibit more interesting behaviors when kept in larger groups.
They are primarily insectivores, enjoying a diet of small live or frozen foods like daphnia, brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, and high-quality micro pellets or flakes.
A heavily planted setup or a natural-style arrangement with a sandy substrate, driftwood roots, and branches is ideal. Adding dried leaf litter enhances the natural appearance, provides extra hiding spots for the fish, and promotes the growth of microorganisms that can serve as a secondary food source for fry. Humic substances released by decaying leaves are beneficial, and alder cones can also be useful in this regard. Clown Killifish prefer dim lighting, so include low-light aquatic plants like Java Fern, Java Moss, or Anubias, and floating plants such as Water Sprite or Indian Fern.
This species is sensitive to fluctuating and poor water conditions, so it should not be introduced to biologically immature aquariums. Gentle water movement and efficient filtration are essential. The minimum aquarium size is 10 gallons, with an ideal community tank size of 20 gallons or more. Maintain a pH of 5.5-7.0, a hardness between 1-10 dGH, and a temperature range of 72-77°F (22-25°C).
A tight-fitting lid is necessary since they are known to be skilled jumpers.
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