Twosaddle Cory (Corydoras Weitzmani)
The Twosaddle Cory, also known as the Weitzmani Cory, is a rare and distinctive species native to Southern Peru's Madre de Dios region. This medium-growing species is known for its schooling behavior and is best kept in groups. In terms of appearance, it features a silver body with two dark saddle-like markings on its back, which gives it its common name. The Twosaddle Cory is a medium-sized Corydoras, reaching an adult size of up to 2.5 inches.
This peaceful shoaling fish thrives best when housed in groups of no less than 6 individuals, creating a dynamic and harmonious aquarium environment. The Twosaddle Cory is compatible with a wide array of popular fish species, including Dwarf Cichlids, Tetras, Rasboras, Guppies, Mollies, Swordtails, Angelfish, Hatchetfish, peaceful Barbs, and other peaceful Catfish. Avoid housing them with aggressive, territorial, or larger fish that might see them as food or compete with them for food at the bottom of the tank.
Twosaddle Cory’s are ideally suited to mature community aquaria. They appreciate a tank setup that includes plenty of bogwood, rocky caves, and tall or broad-leaved plants to create shady areas and make them feel more secure. Tankmates should be small and peaceful.
When it comes to feeding, Twosaddle Cory is omnivorous and will eat sinking catfish pellets, plus frozen foods such as bloodworm, white mosquito larvae, daphnia, and vitamin-enriched brine shrimp.
In the wild, Twosaddle Cory uses their sensitive barbels to sift for food particles in the sand, and they should be kept on a fine substrate in the aquarium to protect these delicate sensory organs. They are hardy and undemanding but prefer slightly cooler temperatures than some other tropical fish.
In terms of habitat, the Twosaddle Cory thrives in well-oxygenated water with a moderate flow, mirroring their natural riverbed habitats. They favor a soft sandy substrate where they can safely forage for food without damaging their delicate barbels and underbelly, which could otherwise lead to infection and other health complications. The aquarium should be furnished with ample hiding spots, including driftwood, rocks, caves, and live plants to offer shade and relief from the light. Floating plants can provide subdued lighting, creating an ideal environment for these bottom-dwelling fish.
Regarding their water parameters and aquarium size, the minimum recommended aquarium size for Twosaddle Cory’s is 30 gallons, and a community aquarium should be at least 40 gallons or more. The ideal pH range is between 6.0-7.5, and the hardness should be within 2-15 dGH. The temperature should be maintained between 72-78°F (22-26°C).
As with all tropical fish, Corydoras need consistent water parameters. Sudden or inconsistent swings in pH, temperature, and dGH readings can result in stress and health issues.
Frequent partial water changes are a must for these catfish, as they can be very sensitive to elevated nitrate levels.
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