Atabapo Butterfly Pleco L052 (Dekeyseria Picta)
The Atabapo Butterfly Pleco L052, also known as Dekeyseria Picta and Flounder Pleco, is a unique species of pleco that stands out due to its striking pattern and coloration. This species is characterized by a dark body with a pattern of light, almost white, vertical stripes that give it a butterfly-like appearance. The stripes are more pronounced on the head and gradually fade towards the tail. The Atabapo Butterfly Pleco L052 may bear a resemblance to the L168 Dekeyseria Brachyura, but it can be distinguished by several key characteristics. The L052 exhibits a lighter base color, leaning towards orange compared to the L168 D. Brachyura. Additionally, the L052 showcases a greater abundance of stripes that are less well-defined compared to those of the L168. The Atabapo Butterfly Pleco is a medium-sized pleco, reaching an adult size of up to 5 inches.
The Atabapo Butterfly Pleco is a shy, peaceful species, making it a good choice for a soft-water community aquarium. They are not the most active fish during the day unless there is food to be eaten.
When considering tank mates for Atabapo Butterfly Plecos, it's important to choose species that are also peaceful and non-aggressive. They are peaceful, and unlike many other plecos, the Atabapo Butterfly Pleco does not appear to be overly territorial with its own kind. An ideal choice for tankmates includes Tetras, Rasboras, Hatchetfish, Gold Barbs, Danios, and other Loricariids requiring similar conditions. However, it's best to avoid housing them with overly aggressive or vigorous fish as the Butterfly Pleco can become very retiring and will easily be outcompeted for food.
In terms of diet, the Atabapo Butterfly Pleco is primarily herbivorous. They are particularly fond of algae and will happily graze on any that grows in the tank. Provide them with sinking pellets, algae wafers, spirulina tablets, as well as vegetables such as zucchini, blanched romaine lettuce, spinach, crushed peas, cucumber, and squash. While they primarily feed on plant matter, they will also accept other protein-based food, such as frozen daphnia or bloodworms. They don’t eat wood but will readily eat the biofilm from its surfaces. The Atabapo Butterfly Pleco tends to be more active during the night, so offering them food in the evening is recommended.
In terms of habitat, the Atabapo Butterfly Pleco thrives in well-oxygenated soft water with moderate to fast flow. They prefer tanks that mimic their natural habitat, which includes riverbeds with a soft sandy substrate where they can forage for food and occasionally burrow. The tank should be furnished with plenty of hiding spots using driftwood, rocks, caves, slate, terracotta pipes, and live plants that provide relief from the light. Floating plants are a good option to provide them with additional subdued lighting.
Regarding their water parameters and aquarium size, the minimum recommended aquarium size for Atabapo Butterfly Pleco is 30 gallons, and a community aquarium should be at least 50 gallons. The ideal pH range is between 5.5-7.0, and the hardness should be within 1-8 dGH. The temperature should be maintained between 75-82°F (24-28°C).
The Atabapo Butterfly Pleco needs highly aerated soft water with a good aquarium filtration system. Regular water changes are necessary to maintain water quality and prevent the buildup of harmful nitrates. As with all tropical fish, consistent water parameters are needed for the Atabapo Butterfly Pleco. Sudden or inconsistent swings in pH, temperature, and dGH readings can result in stress and health issues.
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