Banded Archerfish (Toxotes Jaculatrix)
The Banded Archerfish, also referred to as the Seven-Spot Archerfish, is a fascinating and intriguing species native to Southeast Asia. One of the most interesting aspects of these fish is their unique hunting technique, which involves spitting water at their prey. This makes them a fascinating choice for aquarium hobbyists who are looking for an intelligent and extraordinary inhabitant for their aquarium.
When it comes to appearance, the Banded Archerfish has a slender and elongated body that features a silver base color with six to seven black vertical bands running along their sides. Their dorsal fins are placed far back and have a large, upturned mouth. As adults, they typically grow to be around 5-6 inches in size.
In terms of personality, the Banded Archerfish is known for its intelligence, curiosity, and peaceful temperament. While they may display some territorial behavior in smaller tanks, this is usually not a problem in larger, well-planned aquariums. Although they do not necessarily school, they tend to thrive in small groups.
Tank Habitat and Care:
Banded Archerfish thrive in brackish water environments with a mix of fresh and saltwater. A minimum aquarium size of 55 gallons is recommended, with a larger community aquarium size of 75-100 gallons being ideal. They prefer a top swimming level, so ensure that there is ample space and coverage for them to feel secure. Provide plenty of plants, rocks, and driftwood for hiding spots. Maintain a pH of 7.5-8.5, a hardness of 12-20 dGH, a temperature of 75-86°F (24-30°C), and recommended salinity of around 1.005-1.020 specific gravity.
Banded Archerfish are carnivores, feeding primarily on insects and small fish in the wild. In the aquarium, they can be fed a variety of live, frozen, or freeze-dried foods, including brine shrimp, bloodworms, and krill.
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