Blue Paradise Gourami (Macropodus Opercularis)
Blue Paradise Gourami, also known as Paradise Fish, is a stunning fish that adds a touch of elegance to any freshwater aquarium. This gorgeous fish sports a vibrant blue color with red accents on its fins, creating a striking contrast.
The Blue Paradise Gourami is an intelligent and curious fish with a semi-aggressive temperament. Reaching an adult size of 4 inches, they are ideally kept in schools of 5 or more to spread aggression and establish a social hierarchy. Unique to this fish is its labyrinth organ, which allows it to breathe atmospheric air, enabling it to survive in oxygen-deprived environments.
While Blue Paradise Gouramis can be a delightful addition to an aquarium, it's important to be aware of their aggressive tendencies and to ensure that they are kept with appropriate tankmates.
It's important to note that Paradise fish are not suitable tank mates for fish their size or smaller. They can be incredibly aggressive, often ripping at fins and even killing their own kind or smaller fish. Therefore, keeping them with larger, peaceful, and semi-aggressive tankmates is best, provided they have enough space and hiding spots.
Male Blue Paradise Gouramis can also be territorial, especially during breeding periods. They may display aggression towards other males of the same species or fish with a similar shape. Keeping one male with one or more females in the aquarium is recommended to prevent conflicts. This can also help to promote breeding.
The Blue Paradise Gourami is an omnivore enjoying a varied diet consisting of live, frozen, and flake foods. They relish in consuming small invertebrates, insects, and plant matter, ensuring they receive essential nutrients for optimal health.
To create a suitable tank habitat, a minimum aquarium size of 30 gallons is recommended. A densely planted tank with plenty of hiding spots and a soft sand or fine gravel substrate will mimic their natural habitat. Floating plants provide an additional sense of security. Maintain a temperature between 72°F-82°F (22°C-28°C), a pH of 6.0-8.0, and a water hardness of 5-20 dGH.
To learn more about this fish, be sure to check out the Additional Information tab.
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