Red Hook Silver Dollar (Myloplus rubripinnis)
The Red Hook Silver Dollar, also known as Red Hook Myleus, is a stunning fish known for its vibrant red markings on the tail and fins that contrast beautifully with its silver body. With a round, disc-like shape similar to its relative, the Common Silver Dollar, this species has a robust size of up to 8-10 inches, making them a truly striking addition to large community aquariums.
These fish are known for their social nature and peaceful temperament but can show semi-aggressive tendencies if kept alone. A school of at least 5 Red Hook Silver Dollars is recommended to foster their communal instincts and maintain a peaceful environment. The Red Hook Silver Dollar can coexist with other larger, non-aggressive species. However, it's important to note that smaller fish may be at risk as Silver Dollars may eat them. They predominantly occupy the middle-top areas of the tank, making them compatible with non-aggressive bottom-dwellers.
Their diet is omnivorous, requiring a balanced mix of vegetable matter and protein. Regular feedings of vegetables like cucumber, zucchini, and peas should be combined with protein sources such as bloodworms. Commercial foods like algae wafers, spirulina, and vegetable flakes are also recommended. While Silver Dollars accept a wide range of aquarium foods, it's important to ensure they receive their fair share, particularly when housed with more aggressive eaters such as Barbs and Tetras. Monitoring their feeding behavior is crucial to maintain their nutritional intake.
Silver Dollars require a spacious tank with plenty of swimming room. To replicate their natural habitat and minimize stress, incorporate rocks, plants, driftwood, and dark-colored substrate, as well as open swimming areas in the aquarium. However, it's important to note that all Silver Dollar species have a tendency to nibble on plants. Therefore, opting for hardy plants that can withstand their browsing behavior is recommended. Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus) and Anubias (Anubias spp.) are two hardy aquatic plants known for their resilience. Both have tough leaves that can withstand a certain degree of nibbling from Silver Dollars. However, no plant is completely Silver Dollar-proof, and these fish may still cause damage over time. These plants also provide the added benefit of being low-maintenance and able to thrive in a range of water conditions. Alternatively, artificial plants can be used as a suitable alternative. Providing dim lighting and areas of refuge will help boost their confidence.
A minimum tank size of 75 gallons is necessary to accommodate their size and active nature, with larger tanks being more suitable for larger schools. The ideal water parameters are a pH of 6.0-7.5, hardness of 5-19 dGH, and a temperature of 74-82°F (23-28°C). These fish thrive in clean water with efficient filtration and regular water changes.
Note that Red Hook Silver Dollars are known for their quick movements when startled, and a tight-fitting lid is recommended to prevent them from jumping out of the tank.
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