Blue Badis (Badis Badis)
The Blue Badis, also known as Dwarf Chameleon Fish, Blue Perchlet, Badis Badis, is a captivating freshwater fish that adds a vibrant splash of color to any aquarium. This species is predominantly blue, with varying shades that range from light azure to deep indigo. Their bodies are compact and streamlined, typically reaching a size of 3 inches when fully grown.
The nickname “Dwarf Chameleon Fish” derives from its ability to change color according to its mood, surroundings, or during courtship and territorial displays, much like a chameleon.
Blue Badis are known for their calm and somewhat shy personality. They are not aggressive but can be territorial, especially during breeding. They are not very aggressive and can tolerate same-size fish. Some of the recommended tank mates include some types of tetras, less aggressive corydoras, and even angelfish if the tank is big enough with a lot of plant coverage for hiding. Blue Badis are best kept in a school of at least 5 to 6 individuals to promote social behavior and reduce stress. The community tank should have other peaceful fish that won't outcompete them for food.
Their diet is primarily carnivorous, consisting of small live foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. However, in time they may also accept high-quality flake or pellet foods as part of a balanced diet.
In terms of habitat, Blue Badis thrive in well-planted tanks that mimic their natural environment. They prefer a tank with plenty of hiding spots, such as caves or dense vegetation. The water should be kept clean and well-oxygenated, with a moderate current to replicate river conditions.
Blue Badis are cave spawners who form temporary bonds during times of breeding. Males become more colorful during this period to attract females. After the eggs have been fertilized by the male, the female is ejected from the cave while the male stays put to defend the eggs.
Regular monitoring of water conditions is essential, as Badis fish are sensitive to changes in water parameters. Blue Badis thrive in water temperatures of 72-79°F (22-26°C), pH levels of 6.0 to 7.5, and water hardness of 5-15 dGH. A minimum aquarium size of 20 gallons for a single pair with an ideal community aquarium size of 30 gallons or larger.
Care for these fish is relatively straightforward, making them suitable for intermediate aquarists. Regular water changes, monitoring of water parameters, and a balanced diet are key to their health and longevity.
To learn more about this fish, be sure to check out the Additional Information tab.
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