Flying Fox (Epalzeorhynchos Kalopterus)
The Flying Fox fish is a captivating freshwater species native to the fast-moving currents of Indonesia, Peninsular Malaysia/Thailand, and Singapore. They are known for their active nature and unique appearance. Their bodies are adorned with a sharp, black horizontal line that ends where the tail fin begins, and a bright gold stripe sits atop this black one. Their overall coloration is a pleasing yellow/brown, with their irises and caudal fin tinged red, adding to their visual appeal. Adult Flying Fox fish typically grow to a length of 5.5 to 6.3 inches.
Flying Fox fish are known for their territorial habits and can exhibit varying levels of aggression. They are not schooling fish and prefer to be solitary in tanks. It's advised to keep only one Flying Fox fish per tank to ensure they remain reasonably unaggressive with their tank mates. Ideal tank mates for the Flying Fox fish include larger Tetras, Rasboras, Rainbowfish, Cyprinids, and Danios. However, they are not compatible with slow-moving, peaceful fish like Guppies, Bettas, and Discus, or with other bottom-dwelling species like Shrimp.
In terms of diet, the Flying Fox fish is omnivorous. While they do consume algae, especially as juveniles, they prefer a varied diet that includes protein, vegetables, biofilm, and plant matter. Their diet can include algal-based flakes/wafers, cucumber, blanched zucchini/spinach, shelled peas, lettuce, vegetable flakes, Spirulina, vitamin-enriched tablets/granules, and even some chopped fruit. They also enjoy live/frozen protein options such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and plankton.
The ideal tank habitat for a Flying Fox fish should replicate their natural environment. This includes a combination of nutrient-rich and inert substrates, such as fine rounded gravel, large pebbles, soft sand, and carpet plants. Hardscapes like driftwood, water-worn rocks, terracotta pipes, and slate can provide hiding spots and visual barriers. The tank should be well-established, with plants rooted on surfaces. Bright light is encouraged to promote the growth of algae, which the Flying Fox fish will graze on.
The water parameters for a Flying Fox fish should be carefully maintained. They require a mildly acidic to neutral pH of 6.5-7.5 and slightly soft to moderate water hardness, between 5- 10 dGH. The water temperature should be kept between 73-81°F (23-27°C). A single Flying Fox fish needs a tank of at least 60 gallons, and a group of them will require a tank size of over 100 gallons.
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