Roseline Shark (Sahyadria Denisonii)
The Roseline Shark, also known as the Redline Torpedo Shark or Denisonii Barb, are beautiful freshwater fish that are active swimmers and a lot of fun to watch. With its distinctive red, yellow, and black stripes, this active and lively fish is a must-have for any aquarium enthusiast, especially among planted tank hobbyists.
The Roseline Shark boasts a unique and striking appearance, with a bold red and black stripe that runs horizontally along its shimmering silver body. They are relatively large in size, reaching a maximum length of around 6 inches.
The Roseline Shark is a highly social and active fish that loves to swim and play with others of its kind. They are also highly compatible with a wide range of peaceful community fish, making them an excellent choice for aquarists of all levels. As a shoaling fish, it is important to keep Roseline Sharks in groups of at least 6 individuals to promote their well-being and happiness.
Tank Habitat and Care:
The Roseline Shark is a relatively hardy fish that is best kept in a tank that is at least 50 gallons, with plenty of plants and hiding places. The water in the tank should be kept between 72°F and 82°F, with a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5. They prefer moderately hard water with a dGH range of 8-12. They prefer a well-oxygenated tank with moderate to high flow, and the tank should be fitted with a good-quality filtration system to maintain water quality.
In the wild, Roseline Shark feeds on small insects, crustaceans, and plant matter. In the aquarium, they are not picky eaters and will happily consume a variety of foods. They should be fed a balanced diet consisting of high-quality flakes or pellets, supplemented with occasional treats of live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp or bloodworms.
To learn more about this fish, be sure to check out the Additional Information tab.
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