Banded Leporinus (Leporinus Fasciatus)
The Banded Leporinus is a striking freshwater fish with a cylindrical body and bold alternating bands of black and yellow stripes really make this fish stand out. They are the most popular and brightly colored of this group of fish.
They are an active and curious species with a semi-aggressive temperament, especially when kept in smaller groups or with smaller tank mates. Banded Leporinus can grow up to 8 inches in aquariums but can reach 12 inches in the wild.
If a few individuals are kept, then they tend to be quarrelsome with each other. To minimize aggression, they are best kept in groups of 6 or more or just 1 in a peaceful medium to large fish community.
The Banded Leporinus is best kept with larger, peaceful tank mates, as they can be semi-aggressive and may prey on smaller fish. Reophilic species, which are adapted to fast-flowing waters, make suitable companions for the Banded Leporinus due to their shared preference for similar water flow and environmental conditions.
Suitable tank mates for the Banded Leporinus may include larger characids (e.g., Silver Dollars), loricariids (e.g., Bristlenose Plecos), doradids (e.g., Thorny Catfish), and peaceful cichlids (e.g., Severum or Blue Acara). When choosing tank mates, consider their size, temperament, and water parameter preferences to ensure a harmonious and healthy community aquarium.
They feed on algae, plant matter, small invertebrates, and high-quality pellets or sinking algae wafers. Fish foods containing high levels of protein are best avoided.
The Banded Leporinus are strong swimmers that thrive in moderately fast currents, making a long tank with ample swimming space essential for their well-being. A substrate of sand or fine gravel, combined with driftwood, large smooth rocks, and sturdy plants, provides hiding spots and establishes territorial boundaries. These fish prefer swimming in the middle to bottom levels of the tank. When algae are present on wood and rocks, Banded Leporinus can be observed swimming head down, constantly grazing on the algae. In the absence of algae, they will instead nibble on plant shoots and leaves.
Banded Leporinus requires a spacious aquarium of at least 75 gallons, with the ideal community aquarium size being 100 gallons or more. The ideal water parameters for Banded Leporinus are a pH of 6.0-7.5, hardness of 5-20 dGH, and a temperature of 74-79°F (23-26°C).
These fish should be introduced to biologically mature aquariums only.
A well-fitting cover is essential as Banded Leporinus species are prodigious jumpers.
To learn more about this fish, be sure to check out the Additional Information tab.
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