Silver Mono (Monodactylus Argenteus)
The Silver Mono, also known as the Silver Moony or Malayan Angel, is a beautiful brackish fish with a unique diamond-shaped, laterally compressed body that closely resembles a freshwater angelfish. They are silver in color with a black spot on the dorsal fin and another on the base of the tail. These fish exhibit an active and curious personality, making them an interesting addition to a brackish aquarium.
Adult Silver Monos can grow up to 8 inches in size in captivity but have know to reach up to 11 inches when housed in larger habitats. They are schooling fish and flourish in groups of 6 or more individuals. They are generally peaceful but can become semi-aggressive when stressed or in smaller groups.
Silver Monos are generally peaceful fish and can be kept with other similarly sized and temperament tank mates. Ideal tank mates for Silver Monos that can also tolerate brackish water conditions are Archerfish, Scats, Colombian Shark Catfish, Mollies, and Bumblebee Gobies.
Their diet mainly consists of a mix of vegetable and protein-based foods, including algae, small invertebrates, and high-quality flakes or pellets. Feeding them a varied diet will ensure their optimal health and coloration.
These silvery beauties are highly energetic and love to explore every corner of the aquarium. To keep Silver Monos engaged, incorporate roots, branches, and driftwood for them to investigate while ensuring ample open space for swimming. Sand or fine gravel serves as an ideal substrate for their environment. These fish primarily prefer swimming in the middle to top levels of the aquarium.
The lighting requirements for Silver Mono, most fish in general, do well with moderate lighting in their aquarium. Providing a natural day and night cycle by turning the aquarium lights on for about 8 to 12 hours per day can help maintain their well-being. If the aquarium has live plants, ensure that the lighting is also suitable for their growth. It's also a good idea to provide shaded areas using decorations, rocks, or plants, so the fish can retreat if needed. Always monitor your fish's behavior to ensure they are comfortable with the lighting conditions in the tank.
Silver Monos are not known to be aggressive plant eaters but may occasionally nibble on plants. Some hardy plants that can adapt to brackish conditions include Java Fern, Java Moss, Anubias, and Vallisneria. They are generally hardy and robust, meaning they can tolerate a certain level of grazing.
It's important to provide Silver Monos with a stable environment with high oxygen concentration in the water. These fish can produce a lot of waste, so make sure to have a good filtration system in place and perform weekly water changes. They are moderately challenging to care for, making them more suitable for intermediate to experienced aquarists.
For their tank habitat, Silver Monos require an aquarium of at least 80 gallons. The ideal community aquarium size is 100 gallons or more to accommodate their active swimming habits. The ideal water parameters for Silver Monos are a pH of 7.5-8.5, hardness of 10-25 dGH, and a temperature of 75-82°F (24-28°C). The recommended salinity range for Silver Mono is around 1.010 to 1.025 specific gravity.
To learn more about this fish, be sure to check out the Additional Information tab.
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