Freshwater Dragon Goby (Gobioides Peruanus)
The Freshwater Dragon Goby, also known as the Peruvian Dragon Goby, is an elongated, eel-like fish with a fascinating appearance. Sporting a unique, prehistoric look, this species exhibits a gray-brown body adorned with darker, irregular bands.
These intriguing fish can grow up to 16-18 inches in length and have a shy, peaceful demeanor. Due to their size and specialized needs, they are better suited for experienced aquarists. Freshwater Dragon Goby do well in freshwater tanks, provided the water is very hard and very clean.
Freshwater Dragon Gobies are carnivorous, feeding mainly on small live and frozen foods, such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and mysis shrimp. Their diet should be varied and nutritious to ensure their health and well-being. Feed Freshwater Dragon Gobies at dusk and dawn with multiple smaller feedings throughout the day. Since they are not very active, hand feeding is a good practice, especially if more lively catfish or loaches share the tank.
A spacious, well-decorated tank with a soft sandy substrate is crucial for the comfort of these gobies. Plenty of hiding spots should be provided with caves, driftwood, rocks, and plants, allowing them to feel secure. They prefer a low-light environment and gentle water flow. As they are sensitive to water parameters, efficient filtration, and regular water changes are essential. Freshwater Dragon Gobies thrive in slightly brackish conditions and adapt to higher salinity levels.
A minimum aquarium size of 55 gallons or 100+ gallons for a pair is recommended. Maintain a high water flow and ensure good water quality, with a temperature range of 72-78°F (22-26°C), a pH of 7.0 to 8.0, a hardness of 10-20 dGH, and recommended salinity of around 1.005-1.012 specific gravity.
To learn more about this fish, be sure to check out the Additional Information tab.
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